Modern CX Forum 23.10

modern cx summit

Warszawa, 23.10.2019

topics to be discussed

we gorge ourselves on data, brand psychology and real food


23th of October 2019 (Wed)
start: 9:30


Arche Hotel, al. Krakowska 237, 02-180 Warszawa, Poland

for how long

About 7 hours,
including lunch

The latest technologies in customer service

Discover modern ways to connect with customers by using combined data and advanced personalization to build personal marketing contacts.Become a leader in customer experience

Redefine your role and achieve success in an experience-oriented economy. Learn from the best.

Connect with industry colleagues and listen to fascinating influencers, experts and industry innovators.


A detailed agenda will be revealed soon

Other conferences are held in the same venue – you can delve into the digital and cloud future at the Modern Cloud Day conference or see how companies change in terms of future challenges at the Modern Business Summit.

Fill in the form to participate in the event

Registration starts on 23.10 2019


* Wypełniając i przesyłając ten formularz, Użytkownik przyjmuje do wiadomości i zgadza się, że korzystanie z witryny Centraals podlega warunkom użytkowania i polityce prywatności Centraals. Użytkownik zgadza się na kontakt z wykorzystaniem środków elektronicznych w celach obsługi wydarzenia oraz w celach marketingowych przez firmę Centraals Europe SA oraz Oracle Polska Sp. z o.o.

Additional information


The event will be hosted and lead by Oracle Polska Sp. z o.o.


Partner of the event: Centraals Europe SA


No costs are applied but registration is required. Number of participants is limited.

We are to meet here