A glossary of martech terms

1st Party Data

Data assets owned by marketers or publishers about their own audience via their
website, CRM systems, registration data, etc.

2nd Party Data

First-party data assets owned by other marketers or publishers about their
audiences available for sale or trade.

3rd Party Data

Data assets available for purchase via a data exchange that is derived from other
marketers or publishers across the Internet, or from offline data aggregators who
are translating their data for targeting in the online world.


The act of buying. For marketers, it is usually the point where they can measure
the success of a campaign.

Audience Profile

A list of attributes that you know about your target audience (e.g., demographic,
geographic, interests, intent to purchase, purchase history, etc.).


A measure of how well known a brand, company, or product is. As part of the
purchase funnel, people can be made aware of your brand with or without the
desire to purchase.


Organization of varied audience data attributes into mutually exclusive but related
classes (e.g., Products –> Computers –> Laptops –> Budget –> Model Number).


A consumer who has decided they want a product similar to yours. They are likely
to start reading reviews and learning features, making comparisons, etc. The
duration for consideration ranges greatly from product to product.

Consumer Engagements

Refers to the engagement of customers with one another, with a company or a
brand. The initiative for engagement can be either consumer- or company-led and
the medium can be online or offline.


Acronym for Customer Relationship Management and a model for managing a
companyโ€™s interactions with current and future customers including prospect and
customer databases.

Cross-Channel Marketing

Ability to identify and engage your target audience with consistent and relevant
messages across offline, online, mobile, social, and search interactions.

Data Activation

Opposite of data warehousing. Ability to take data intelligence and push it
seamlessly to the execution layer to influence ad targeting, site optimization, lookalike
modeling, or creative customization.

Data-Driven Marketing

Using data from any source to make better decisions on who, where, when, and
how to market.


The moment at which the consumer starts thinking about a purchase (could be
triggered by an event, a change in circumstance, a need, or even an advertising

Media Performance Data

Data that comes from running a digital media campaign, mostly measured in
impressions, clicks, landing page conversions, etc.

Mobile Applications

Online tools, games, and resources simplified and optimized for the mobile screen
and experience.


Ability to keep customers satisfied to increase the likelihood that they will buy from
you again.


Return-On-Investment. What is the return (direct sales or awareness created) on a
marketing investment? Does it pay for itself and more?

Tag Management

The ability to centralize control of your analytics tools, tests, marketing tags, and
other tag-based technologies on your site.


The conception, naming, and classification of audience attributes.