Adidas: We over-invested in digital advertising

Adidas admits that a focus on efficiency rather than effectiveness led it to over-focus on ROI and over-invest in performance and digital at the expense of brand building. while Adidas thought only performance drove ecommerce […]

Five Changes in Marketing

Five Revolutionary Changes in Marketing 1. PR is more important than advertising. 2. The category is more important than the brand. 3. The name is more important than the strategy. 4. The visual is more […]

TV is data-poor and that kills it

Because the broadcast television industry is data poor (it only offers metrics about itself), this model has never been a complete solution for brand or lifestyle advertisers. In practice, an advertiser needs to translate ratings […]

Data will improve publishing business

According to ComScore, digital publishers now see only 1.7 pageviews on average and just 3.8 minutes on-site per session. Several leading publishers have identified visual, interactive storytelling as the right strategy to engage modern readers, […]

A New Approach to Audience Targeting

The answer of effective targeting lies in a productive middle ground between mass reach and segmentation targeting, where more productive audience models can be built based on Behaviors, Emotions and Moments. Behaviors: Have consumers demonstrated […]

Google facing brand safety issues

Last week, Havas and a string of top brands indicated they would halt spending on YouTube ads in the U.K. until the video site could assure their spots wouldn’t run near offensive content. Google, which […]

Telcos offer users data for marketing

Telefónica and others telecoms are already opening certain raw data to companies dedicated to helping carriers cash in on subscriber info. It isn’t just quintessentially “mobile” location data: Carriers have names, addresses, bill totals and […]

The CMO’s Guide to Mobile Marketing

Mobile internet usage has overtaken desktop, which means prospects are more likely to find you on mobile devices, not PCs. Ensure they do by reading The CMO’s Guide to Mobile Marketing.

Advertisers reviewing programmatic

Almost all advertisers are reviewing their programmatic ad contracts A study from the World Federation of Advertisers (WFA) — a trade body that represents brands such as P&G, L’Oréal, and Emirates — found that nearly […]