Boats and Yachts Marketplace –

Today, Centraals has been revealed as the winner of a prestigious pitch in Europe. It has been tasked with building a new marketplace for boats and yachts in Europe – Velamic.

What is Velamic to be?

The platform will offer a vast selection of vessels from 3 to 40 meters, produced by European shipyards. The marketplace is intended to provide a comprehensive selection of boats and yachts for sale from multiple brands, as well as services and expertise required to maintain them.

At the very first stage, only a limited number of vessels will be offered on the site including Lamdo Yachts and Solliner 21, Solliner 31 and Meva crafts. However, the site is to be fully launched in mid-year, with a wide selection of brand new boats available.

Our scope of services.

The platform will provide top-notch customer service that prioritizes safety and convenience. It will also include a wide range of financing and warranty options, giving customers the confidence to make long-term investments in their vehicles. Centraals will use its expertise in web design, digital marketing and customer relations to create an online platform that is smooth, user friendly and fully integrated into the boat and yacht purchasing process.

It will be equipped with several interactive features and a navigation system to make the experience easier and more enjoyable for buyers. At the same time, Centraals is making sure the platform contains tailored content to suit varying user intent. This includes videos, informative articles, and reviews to ensure users can find the best suitable boat and yacht for their needs. It has also been charged with ensuring the marketplace is secure, trustworthy, and tailored to the preferences of the target audience. It will also be connected to relevant stakeholders, research institutions, and service providers for an even better user experience.

Boaters and yacht owners can now look forward marketplace for boats and yachts in Europe. With this new platform, customers will be able to quickly and conveniently find the perfect boat or yacht, tailored to their individual needs.