What’s new with 3p cookies? Updated

Google’s announcement that it will keep its certain 3p cookies alive until mid 2023 has been met with a mix of reactions, most notably with marketers’ expectation of more time to prepare for the world without these essential digital identifiers.

The advancement of the privacy-minded push from the tech giant is part of an industry-wide trend, as the digital landscape continues to focus on the needs of the consumer, giving users more control over their data than ever before. While the decision to keep trackers alive for over a year longer than expected takes some of the pressure off, it’s no reason to waste any time — the transition to the cookieless era is still in full swing.

Marketers are now left with the unenviable task of finding ways to continue to serve personalised content without the traditional third-party cookie. This likely means leaning on non-cookie marketing tactics, like first-party data, device recognition, geolocation, etc. As marketers make the shift, they need to take into account any new technologies that could provide alternatives to the cookie, and invest in the necessary resources and infrastructure to fully benefit from them.

At its core, the cookieless future is about creating an experience centered around the customer — providing better insights and tailored experiences based on what the consumer wants. This means looking to integrate more with other companies, such as partnering with deterministic identity solutions or adding the necessary onsite strategies to support other data sources, like the CRM.

All of this requires a healthy mix of investment, planning and agility. It’s becoming increasingly clear that the future of personalized marketing relies on a mix of third-party and first-party data and more sophisticated customer segmentation. While the news of an extended deadline eases the headache for now, the need to prepare for the future of cookieless marketing persists. With continual changes to the digital landscape, now is the time for marketers to invest in the proper infrastructure and resources to ensure their success going forward.